Erica looked puzzled. "Why?" she asked.
"Well, it is late," said Peggy. "I have to work for Barb Cooper tomorrow and you have to get home or your mother will have the police out looking for you."
"Oh no she won't," a crafty look came into Erica's grey eyes. "I told her that Peggy and I were going out, and that I'd spend the night at her place. She thought that it was a wonderful idea." She hesitated. "I think she hopes that some of Peggy's chic rubs off on me."
Peggy's face was a picture of fury. "How dare you!' she was vehe- ment. "How dare you use me in a lie to your mother. I may have to pay you off for your silence about me publicly, but I don't deceive people near to me with what I am. If you wish to see me again, you must accept me for what I am...'
Erica was astonished. "You don't deceive people?" she interrupted.
"That's right," Peggy went on. "I know what I am — a transvestite. That means that I'm a man. And it means you can't stay here in my one-bedroom flat."
Tears welled from Erica's eyes and she dropped her face into her hands. "Oh," she cried. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was so unattrac- tive to you."
Peggy stood up, moved over to the other love seat, and knelt down fracefully before Erica. Her slim hand, its bright diamond rings glit- tering, gently touched Erica's tear-spattered cheeck. "It isn't that, darling," he said tenderly. "It's just that I find you too attractive, and I don't trust myself."
Mrs. Mallett had rarely seen Erica so fussy and highly strung. You would have thought it was the First Family at least that was coming to visit, rather than just Erica's model friends. Throughout the last four months, there had been noticeable changes in Erica. Her clothes were more stylish, her hair much neater and the diet she was follow- ing had improved her shape no end. Her thinner cheeks had given her a new look of maturity. She had not been as thrilled as Mrs.